Saturday, October 13, 2007

The On-Going Crusade for the Formation of a Global Government: the Philippine Response

By Prof. Sofronio Dulay

1.0. Introduction

The formation of world government is creating interest in the global community. This was brought about by the realization that a global government can potentially address perennial world problems like nuclear war, terrorism, over consumption, over population, poverty, environmental degradation, etc. Today, more than ever, the formation of a global government can be more achievable because the advances of technology, like the worldwide web, has literally shrunk the world. One evidence of the growing interest of the humanity for the formation of a global government is the number of blogs and websites in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Alta Vista under the topic of “formation of a global government” – they numbered by millions.
As part of my future dissertation proposal, this paper wishes to look at the Philippine response to this phenomenon. Specifically, this paper seeks to answer the following questions: Are there enough literatures in the NCPAG and in the worldwide web about the Philippine reaction and appreciation to the snowballing worldwide crusade for the formation of a global government? Who are the leading Filipino advocates of this crusade? What are the dominant views of these leading advocates and literatures? In a way, this paper seeks to measure the extent of participation of the Filipinos in this crusade and to determine the available literatures and key personalities in the Philippines in relation to this global crusade.
Offhand, I feel that there are Filipinos, as an individuals, who put forward ideas and concepts that are contributory to the on – going worldwide crusade for the formation of a global government. This will be shown in the literatures in the NCPAG, blogs and websites written by Filipinos around this topic. The paper therefore will focus in the scanning in the search engines Google, Yahoo and Alta Vista about websites and blogs written by Filipinos pertaining to the formation of a global government. In addition to this, this paper will also search the NCPAG Library, which in a way; will tell the extent of involvement of this institute to a futuristic topic like this one.
This paper, due to its inherent limitations such as time, will only focus however on leading literatures written by Filipinos about the formation of a global government that will be found in NCPAG library, and will be scanned in search engines Google, Yahoo and Alta Vista.

2.0. Global Government Defined
2.1. World Government
According to Wikipedia, world government “is the concept of a political body that would make, interpret and enforce international law. Inherent to the concept of a world government is the idea that nations would be required to pool or surrender (depending on point of view) sovereignty over some areas. In effect, a world government would add another level of administration above the existing national governments or provide coordination over areas national governments are not capable of adequately addressing as independent polities.” Take note that this definition is somewhat loose because it does not speak of a world government in a sense of a government of a global state, a state with all the four elements of an ordinary state we know today, such as the power to tax, sovereignty, the police power and the power of eminent domain. In a way, the Wikipedia definition of a world government is different from the government of a federated world that configures itself to become a global government of a global state.
Yet, this Wikipedia concept of a world government is the one in the top three sites in the Google search engines when one is searching for information about world government or global government.
Wikipedia further noted that no nation to date has officially put forward plans for a world government. In fact, this will show that there was never a mainstream international movement for the formation of a global government today that was so effective to the point of convincing or lobbying nations to voluntarily federate themselves into a global government.
This fact will somewhat prove that crusade for the formation of a global government of a global state – complete with all the powers of an ordinary state as we know today – is just a recent phenomenon brought about by the world wide web. The proof of this observation is the fact that the topic of global government of a global state was not in mainstream textbooks in political science and public administration. The implication of this fact is that websites and advocates of the formation of a global government of a global state today may turn out to be doing a pioneering crusade of a concept which is different from Wikipedia has defined.
And since global government has the making of a pioneering concept and therefore lacks the preponderance of related literatures in the textbooks and libraries all over the world, the best source of this concept is the World Wide Web through search engines like Google, Yahoo and Alta Vista.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines ‘World government’ as “the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority.” It said that this condition has not existed so far in human history, “yet proposals for a unified global political authority have existed since ancient times — in the ambition of kings, popes and emperors, and the dreams of poets and philosophers.” The Stanford definition is more of a government of a global state than the definition of the Wikipedia. This is another proof that the advocacy for the formation of a global government of a global state, in a sense that what we know of states today --- is still in the infancy stage or might be even a different specie all together..
2.2. “New World Order is the De Facto World Government” Theory
According to Wikipedia, New World Order (Novus Ordo Mundi or Novus Ordo Seclorum) refers to a “conspiracy theory in which a powerful and secretive group is to be conspiring to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles. In new world order conspiracy theories, many significant occurrences are caused by a powerful secret group”. The True Conspiracy website even states that there is an “evil group of men that has always wanted to rule the entire world. In the past, conquest has failed to achieve this, due to the resulting outrage and awareness of the enemy. In our present time, an evil group is trying a subtle but effective way to rule.” Those who believes in this theory thinks that the world is evolving into a global government through the connivance of international institutions, banks, the Vatican, the Jesuits, the rich and famous international families and the multinational corporations - by weakening the present governments of the states (massive privatization, selling of other government properties, strengthening of private sector and civil society, globalization, etc) and marginalizing the people by making them buried through an avalanche of foreign debts. This resulted in disarticulated and hallowed states, too dependent on new world order.
The believers of this theory identified the linked organizations planning or causing a world government include the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, the Trilateral commission, the International Monetary Fund, the Fabian Society, the World Bank, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, the Club of Rome, the World Council of Churches, the Illuminati and trade unions
3.0. History of the Movement for World Government
For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonders that would be;
Till the war-drum throbb’d no longer, and the battle-flags were furl'dIn the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world.
There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe,And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “Locksley Hall” (1837)
United States President Harry Truman, who oversaw the founding of the United Nations after the Second World War, kept these lines from Tennyson's poem in his wallet (Kennedy 2006, xi).
According to Derek Heater, ideas of world government and citizenship is found in ancient Chinese and Indian as well as Graeco-Roman thought (1996, ix-x).This concept should be expressed in political form, according to him, which later translated into medieval Christian proposals for a global political authority; while the historical model of imperial Rome inspired medieval quests for world empire.
Dante (1265–1321), an Italian poet expounded the Christian ideal of human unity a world governed by a universal monarch. He argued that wars and all their causes would be eliminated if “the whole earth and all that humans can possess be a monarchy, that is, one government under one ruler. Because he possesses everything, the ruler would not desire to possess anything further, and thus, he would hold kings contentedly within the borders of their kingdoms, and keep peace among them” (Convivio, 169).
In Leviathan [1651], Hobbes (1588–1679) thinks that the individuals surrender some of their rights to the state but he did not think that the present states should also surrender their rights to a global government or global leviathan.
Charles Castel, AbbĂ© de Saint-Pierre (1658–1743), in his Project for Making Peace Perpetual in Europe [1713], said that an international leviathan concept should lead the monarchs of Europe form a federation of states by social contract. This is necessary for their preservation and self interest. This federation will require this monarch to come up with a common congress.
Albert Einstein also talked of the necessity for the formation of a global government.
4.0. Movement for World Government in the Philippines
4.1. The National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) Library
An indication of a concept becoming popular is the existence of reviews and article about it in the libraries. So, I did check the NCPAG library for any article about world government or global government. Unfortunately, no article has been found regarding this topic in the library, which made me conclude that if a library of a leading school of governance for the country does not have any article about the topic, then, the other libraries of lesser popularity will also not have it. This made me conclude that formation of a global government, as a crusade, is not yet popular in the Philippines.
4.2. The World Wide Web
World Government Institute, based in Japan, was founded in order to establish the World Government. The Institute was founded by Toshio Suzuki, web master of their website, on 1 May 1997. This institute is composed of branches in different part of the world. A lot of their country headquarters and presidents have not been decided yet. The branches are listed in the Branch List. No branches have paid up yet to the international headquarter. The website of the group is administered by World Government Institute Japan.
The World Government Institute Philippines is headed by Dr. Jaime B. Ramirez and its office is at 1237 Instruccion Street, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines. It has one volunteer staff. A check on the office does not show any activities related to the advocacy for the formation of a global government in the country.
In a meeting held in Bacolod City, Philippines, of World Future Studies Federation, the need for empowerment of civil society and global government is echoed in the paper of Rakesh Kapoor, who in his paper, entitled "Fast Forward to Fragmented Futures" said:
“We see a world today that is economically integrated but politically disunited. The most intractable problems that we may face in the future relate to destruction of the environment, nuclear war, the persistent expansion and globalization of capital, leading to distorted human relationships, on the one hand and increased economic inequalities - within and between nations - on the other. Since all these problems are of a global nature, the ideal way to be able to solve them will be the formation of a global government, which will have the political authority to mediate between and keep in check the nation-states of today.”
5.0. The Globalist Manifesto: A Worldwide Web Snowballing Advocacy
Advocacy by accident, is there such a thing? Look at the circumstances of the leading websites in both Yahoo and Alta Vista search engines in the topic of "formation of a global government" over around 7 million entries, the Globalist Manifesto websites, and you will wonder if this is accident, destiny, luck or just a freak aberration.
The Globalist Manifesto is printed in basically four websites today: the original is the "global", then later it was published in "founders", "personal" and "party", all in These four often land in the top ten in both Yahoo and Alta Vista search engines. But do you know that The Globalist Manifesto was actually hatched in Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in the Philippines? One fine morning sometime 2003 in the Master in Development Management case room, one student secretly posted a one - page essay entitled "The Globalist Manifesto" in its class bulletin board. The article was a result of an overdosed of Prof. Ed Morato's VMOKRAPISPATRES strategic planning sessions the other day. Eventually, the class (yes, the MDM batch 14 that started the International Movement of Development Managers), created their "global" website with the full text of the manifesto in it. Unknown to the class, the word globalist, even up to now, is not even recognized by Microsoft Word spelling checker. This is a proof that ignorance is sometimes beneficial.
The first freak accident happened when the Google, the leading search engine in the world, placed the "global' website in the top 10 of the topic globalization for around 4 months. This singular incident is an indication of what will happen in the next four years.
Four years later…today.
If you search for "globalist manifesto" in Google today, it will show you around 538 entries. (By the way, if you put " " in your search item in Google, it means advanced search, meaning you are asking Google to search the worldwide web and list the websites that talk about your search item as a single word.) In a nutshell, after four years, 538 websites are already talking about Globalist Manifesto. Now if you add in your search "formation of a global government or formation of a "world government" and "globalist manifesto", Google will list around 700 websites. If you will look at the counters of the Google cache of the four websites mentioned, each of them has more than 1 million visitors in four years. In Yahoo cache, each of them has around 600, 000 visitors and around the same count in Alta Vista. Because the visitors of the three search engines are mathematically mutually exclusive, we can conclude that at least 10 million visitors worldwide have seen The Globalist Manifesto. Conservatively, at least around ten percent of them would have read it thoroughly and agreed with it completely. This means that The Globalist Manifesto has around 1 million believers worldwide as of today.

What Do Other Websites Say About The Globalist Manifesto?
From in the topic of world government: "Currently, there has not been a nation to officially put forward plans for a world government, although some people do see international institutions (such as the,, and as the beginning elements of a world government system. An organization comprised of legislators from various nations known as have promoted ideas of, though such promotion has varied in its scope and intensity during the organization's history. Capitalizing on the growing importance of in the human civilization, a group of individuals adhering to The Globalist Manifesto[1] is actively advocating for the formation of one world government, initially through the internet."
From in the topic of globalization: "Globalization refers to a process of increasing integration between units around the world, including nation-states, households/individuals corporations and other organizations. It is an umbrella term, covering economic, trade, social, technological, cultural and political aspects, and is the opposite of deglobalization. Today, a proactive form of globalization is emerging, spawning from a drive by international corporations to loosen trade restrictions. It is the global financial firms that have been the most eager proponents of this expansion. A group of advocates from different parts of the world had been pushing for an integrated global society as envisioned in The Globalist Manifesto which is the foundation of globalism ideology."
From in the topic of new world order: "Many believe the idea of the "new world order" originated in the early 1900s with Cecil Rhodes, who advocated that the British Empire and the United States should jointly impose a Federal World Government (with English as the official language) to bring about lasting world peace. Lionel Curtis, who also believed in this idea, founded the Rhodes-Milner Round Table Groups in 1909, which led to the establishment of the British based Royal Institute for International Affairs in 1919 and the U.S. based Council on Foreign Relations in 1920.[citation needed] The concept was further developed by Edward M. House, a close advisor to Woodrow Wilson during the negotiations to set up the League of Nations (it is unclear whether it was House or Wilson who invented the actual phrase). Another important influence was the futurist H.G. Wells, a vigorous advocate for World Government. There is a prediction that the next major historical world upheaval will emerge from the worldwide web. As a sign of the growing influence of the worldwide web in the human civilization today, a group of advocates from different parts of the world, adhering to The Globalist Manifesto [2] are snowballing the formation of a global political party of selected individuals for the formation of a global government. This party may or may not be influenced by "conspirators". Their websites had been rating in the top 10 of the Yahoo and Alta Vista search engines under the topic of "formation of global government". Some of their websites were also in the top ten in the Google search."
Curiosity Kills the Cat
Perhaps at this point of this paper, the reader is already dead curious about what is that stuff written in The Globalist Manifesto that makes it snowballed by itself? The fine print of the original manifesto is printed next to this article. But the point is: in four years, a trend has been spotted that The Globalist Manifesto is evolving into one of the main literatures in the crusade for the formation of a global government, at least in the worldwide web. How far can it go? Will the trend continue or will it die down? Well, only God knows. But one thing can be said from here: that Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines hatched the seed for this potentially great upheaval in human civilization by accident.
Here is the full version of the manifesto.
"Someday, this world will be peaceful, united, educated and prosperous. There will be no war, no poverty, and no discrimination. A world able to protect itself from global warming, over consumption, nuclear disaster, pollution, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, and AIDS. A world that is able to practice sustainable development, protection of environment and responsible parenthood. There is a world future where there will be no national boundaries, no racial discrimination, nor religious fanaticism.
Because every human being is a child of God, everyone is equally important and deserves to enjoy human rights, freedom, happiness and prosperity. The citizens of the world have the duty to act towards this vision, in wherever, whenever, and whatever they can within their status in life. As soon as possible, and through a democratic consensus of all nations via global plebiscite and a drafting of a global constitution through an international constitutional convention, the goal of the citizens of the world is to set up a single and unified global government with police powers, powers to tax, and has the power of eminent domain.

This task is arduous and long, but there is no justification for any armed solution in pursuance of this vision. Diplomacy should be the only way.
The global government will have judicial, executive, and legislative branches; a government-financed two-party system from the global presidency down to village level; with one monetary system, civil service system, electoral system and an economic system grounded on free enterprise. A global president, vice-president, a chamber of hereditary leaders and a chamber of territorial representatives will be popularly elected. The territorial divisions of the world will have governors, vice governors, and territorial representatives who will also be popularly elected. The cabinet heads of the global government and as well as that of the geographical divisions, should come from the popularly elected representatives of the territorial divisions.
There are Ten (10) Stages towards the formation of the Global Government: 1. Information drive and leveling - off using the Globalist Manifesto, 2. Formation of the critical mass of global advocates from every corner of the world, 3. Formation of the International Global Government Organizing Committee, 4. International Convention to Draft the Global Constitution, 5. International Plebiscite on the Global Constitution. 6. Formation of the global two - party system. 7. Election of the Global President, Vice-President, Territorial Representatives, and International Council of Hereditary Leaders. 8. Appointment of the Global Cabinet from among the Territorial Representatives. 9. Formation of the Global Seat of Government, Armed Forces and Central Bank. 10. Managing the world towards lasting peace and prosperity.
This manifesto should be advocated worldwide to kings, queens, heads of the states, and heads of the government, diplomats, military leaders, educators, scientists, church leaders, business leaders, personalities, thinkers and everyone. Leaders from all over the world would advocate this vision and one of them should become the founding president of the global government with the rest as the founding fathers. YOU COULD BE ONE OF THEM."
(The original manuscript of this manifesto emerged from the classroom of the Master in Development Management, Class of 2003, at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City, Philippines, on October 18, 2002. The purity of this manifesto should be maintained to avoid misunderstandings as we go on our journey towards the Global Government someday. That government may not happen within your personal lifetime but it will come within the time of the Creator.)
6.0. Conclusion

If someone searches in the Google and types the words world government, 607,000,000 entries will be available. If one types global government, 466, 000,000 entries will be there. The combined numbers of the two is 1,073,000,000. The world population reached 6 billion on October 12, 1999.Therefore; the number of sites talking about global government and world government are around 1/6 of the world’s population. Or, one out of the six people on earth more or less, has the idea of a global or world government. This is a potential number for an advocacy campaign.
The Globalist Manifesto, which originated in the Philippines, is getting adherents among those who are advocating for the formation of a global government world wide. The advocacy campaign is basically based in the World Wide Web which explains the fact the crusade is not yet popular in the mainstream of the Philippine society. The Globalist Manifesto has a unique appeal – direct, honest, clear and simple – which could be the reason why it has the seemingly capacity to snowball by itself, at least in the web.

7.0. Bibliography
1. World government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. World Government (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
True Conspiracies, the Illuminati and One World Government
The New World Order in Bible prophecy
Kennedy, P., 2006, The Parliament of Man: The Past, Present, and Future of the United Nations, New York: Harper Collins
Heater, D.B., 1996, World Citizenship and Government: Cosmopolitan Ideas in the History of Western Political Thought, London: Macmillan.
Dante, Convivio (The Banquet) [c1304], in Readings in Medieval Political Theory 1100-1400, C.J. Nederman and K.L. Forhan (eds.), Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993.
Hobbes, T., 1651, Leviathan, Markham: Penguin, 1986
9. World Futures Studies Federation

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